New Mexico
Advanced Manufacturing
Business and Entrepreneurship
Construction Technology and Engineering
Energy and Natural Resources
Health Professions
Information Technology
Through the Four Corners College and Career Pathways Partnership, students will have the opportunity to enroll in a college and career pathway spanning grades 8-13, designed to meet the high-skill, high-wage needs of the region as it transitions from an economy dependent on oil, gas, and coal to one built on green energy.
The New Mexico design team is working to build out the Four Corners College and Career Pathways Partnership, through which students in the rural Four Corners region can earn 12 – 30 hours of early college credit while in high school as part of a 13th year pathways program and seamlessly transition to a certificate as well as an aligned associate or bachelor's degree program or to a union apprenticeship or to employment.
Organizations / Entities Represented on Design Team
Aztec Municipal School District
Bloomfield School District
Cuba Independent School District
Central Consolidated School District
Farmington Municipal Schools
Gallup McKinley Public Schools
San Juan College
Navajo Technical University
The University of New Mexico
San Juan Safe Communities Initiative
Four Corners Economic Development, Inc.
Process Equipment & Service Company

Student Voice
After taking these dual credit courses, my knowledge expanded and you feel like you're ready for the career you want to pursue after high school.
- High School Senior
The New Mexico design team is collaborating with high school counselors and the New Mexico Public Education Department to improve the implementation of a personal, written plan for every student in grades 8-12 that prepares them to succeed and their postsecondary and career fields of interest—including appropriate planning to take advantage of relevant dual enrollment opportunities.
In an effort to build more equitable access to these opportunities, the team plans to seek state and local funding to subsidize the cost of transportation and request that colleges waive course-related fees for students (especially for students who are Pell-eligible) to remove two major cost barriers borne by students.
Recognizing the lack of awareness of these options among many families, the design team is building a strategic communications strategy to reach families, community-based groups, education leaders, employers, and policymakers. Grassroots communication and student recruitment will target families from underserved communities—especially families from the Navajo Nation and other tribal communities.
New Mexico: Accelerate ED Blueprint Presentation
The New Mexico design team's presentation at the Nov. 2022 Accelerate ED convening.