To provide all students access to high-wage, high-demand CTE pathways with the ability to achieve an associate’s degree by year 13.
The Arizona design team, is working to create and scale pathways with clear articulation to a 13th year associate's degree throughout the state. Using advanced manufacturing as a model industry, the design team is working to scale Westwood High School’s advanced manufacturing program to other sites throughout the state and apply the model to other high-wage, high-demand industries.
Organizations / Entities Represented on Design Team
Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation
Phoenix Union High School District
Mesa Public Schools
Maricopa County Community College District
The Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation’s Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Collaborative
Insightful Education Solutions

Student Voice
Money made plans after high school harder. I knew my mom's job wasn't going to support college. I stayed away from college options because she was scared.
- High School Student
The Greater Phoenix Chamber engaged the local employer community via four employer convenings, a survey, and an ongoing series of workforce collaboratives. These opportunities were used to discuss current program strengths and challenges; capture employer input on the most valuable AA degrees, related credentials, and skills; and secure employer commitments for equipment and supplies, adjunct faculty, and teacher stipends.
In an effort to increase access and affordability for students, Arizona voters approved Prop. 308 to provide in-state tuition for undocumented students. This will increase access to affordable dual enrollment opportunities for students in the state. The Greater Phoenix Chamber, Helios, and others are working to provide increased dual enrollment funding for Title 1 students throughout Arizona.
ElevateEdAZ, the Arizona design team lead, received $750,000 from the city of Phoenix in October 2022 to expand its work into additional schools in and around Phoenix. The funding will support expanded access to work-based learning engagements, job shadows, internships, mock interviews, and more.
Arizona: Accelerate ED Blueprint Presentation
The Arizona design team's presentation at the Nov. 2022 Accelerate ED convening.